FAQ's ~ Frequently Asked Questions > Placing an Order > How long do I have to wait before placing a Memorial on the grave?
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Most Cemeteries will set the Memorial as soon as it arrives. By the time a Memorial has been Designed, Carved, and Delivered to the Cemetery the dirt on the gravesite has been compacted and the grass that was removed has been replaced and smoothed out.
Since the standard production time for flat grass marker is 3 to 4 weeks and most upright monuments take about 90 days to produce you should begin the process of Designing your Memorial Now to avoid delay.
One reason to delay installing your headstone is religious beliefs. Some cultures, such as the Jewish community, wait one year before setting their monument. This is called an Unveiling.
Whether you wait due to religious reason or if you are still grieving we know that losing a loved one is very painful. Whenever you are ready to place the headstone on the grave, we are ready to help you find the perfect memorial for your beloved.
Last updated on May 19, 2020 by Support Pages