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We know how hard it can be to express your feelings during this time of loss. Writing an epitaph is an ideal way to honor the life of your loved one and the life you shared together. Adding a favorite quote, a meaningful bible verse or your own special reflections of their life can add that unique touch to your memorial.
This can be the perfect opportunity to highlight their distinctive personality or any special accomplishments. Maybe they were a teacher who dedicated their lives to educating others or a nurse who spent their life selflessly caring for the sick. However you to decide to display your feelings, your epitaph is an opportunity to impart to the world the significance of the one you love.
Here are some samples of epitaphs to help guide you in choosing the right one for you and your family.
G1 Your love will light our way. Your memory will forever be with us.
G2 You were strong. You were wise. You were loved.
G3 What we keep in memory is ours unchanged forever.
G4 Remembered always
G5 Gone but never forgotten
G6 My dearest and best friend – the world has lost a very special person
G7 So loving – So loved
G8 Always close in mind and in heart
G9 Loving memories last forever. We can never forget you.
G10 Now at Peace
G11 A Friend to all
G12 Still in memory you are with us, as you always were before
G13 Your memory is a light to guide us
G14 A generous & beautiful spirit
G15 Of generous heart and rare understanding
G16 You enriched our lives with your kindness, wisdom, and love
G17 We meet each day in our garden of memories.
G18 You have filled our hearts with a lifetime of loving memories
G19 Forever our spirit and strength
G20 May your journey continue in peace
G21 What we gave, we have; what we spent, we had; what we left, we lost. Life’s race well run, Life’s work well done, Life’s victory won, Now cometh rest.
G22 In loving and graceful memory
G23 To live in the hearts of those we love is not to die
G24 There is no darkness in all the world to put out the light of one small candle
G25 Dry up your tears, and weep now more, I am not dead, but gone before, remember me, and bear In mind, you have not long to stay behind.
G26 Rest in peace until we meet again
G27 Warm summer sun, shine kindly here; warm southern wind, blow softly here; Green sod above, lie light – lie light – Good-night, dear heart, good-night
G28 Of generous heart…and of beautiful spirit
G29 Oh how beautiful was life to me
G30 The saddened hearts were healed in knowing the pain of life is over and the beauty of the soul revealed
G31 In whom lived always love of family, understanding & a kind heart
G32 Love forever true
G33 Nothing can ever take away the love a heart holds dear
G34 The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty if their dreams (E. Roosevelt)
G35 Your devotion to your family is our blessing
G36 Your love will never be forgotten
G37 Kind, loving, and faithful
G38 Gentle of heart…faithful and just
G39 To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die
G40 The night is long that never finds the day (Shakespeare)
G41 There never was a night that has not morn (Craik)
G42 Look not here for what I have done, look all around you
G43 Your life was devoted to the happiness of others
G44 The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in what direction we are moving (O.V. Holmes)
G45 A friend to many and sadly missed
G46 Wherever he met a stranger, there he left a friend
G47 A good and kind heart is the best of all qualities
G48 Laughed often and loved much
G49 Our love goes with you and our souls wait to join you
G50 Till the sun grows cold, and the stars are old, and the leaves of the judgment book unfold (Taylor)
G51 And so make life, death and that vast forever one grand sweet song (Kingsley)
G52 Light after darkness, gain after loss, strength after weakness, crown after cross (Frances Havcrgal)
G53 Life’s a voyage that’s homeward bound (Herman Melville)
G54 Step softly, a dream lies buried here
G55 The kindness of a beautiful life, well lived from start to close, lives on in cherished memory
G56 But O for the touch of a vanished hand and the sound of a voice that is still
G57 Heroes live beyond the tomb
G58 If I were to begin life again, I should want it as it was. I would only open my eyes a little more (Jules Renard)
G59 It’s hard to look back on any gain in life that does not have a loss attached to it
G60 Life is not forever. Love is.
G61 Love is life, and death at last crowns it eternal and divine
G62 Till memory fades and life departs; you will live forever in our hearts
G63 To know, to esteem, to love and then to part, makes up life’s tale to many a feeling heart
G64 I shall remember while the light lives yet, and in the nighttime I shall not forget (Swinburne)
G65 Love is love forevermore
G66 Nothing can ever take away the love a heart holds dear
G67 Love is not love that alters with the flight of time; love is enduring, changeless, constant and divine
G68 The heart that has truly loved never forgets but as truly loves on to the close
G69 There are no barriers that love cannot conquer
G70 Commonly we stride through the out-of-doors to swiftly to see more than the most obvious and prominent things. For observing nature, the best pace is a snail’s pace (Edwin Way Teale)
G71 Peace is when time doesn’t matter as it passes by (M. Schell)
G72 Ever remembered, ever loved
G73 Fond memories linger every day, remembrance keeps you near
G74 Time cannot steal the treasures that we carry in our hearts
G75 Sleep peacefully
G76 Beloved one, farewell
G77 Goodnight, good sleep, good rest from sorrow
G78 No cloud crosses the sun but passes at the last and gives us back the face of God once more (Kingsley)
G79 A free spirit
G80 …And let there be no sorrow; for remember when the sun goes down, it returns with a bright tomorrow. So, a toast to the past; a toast to the future…
G81 Beyond is the infinite morning of a day without a tomorrow
G82 I am not afraid of tomorrow for I have seen yesterday and I love today
G83 While we have time, let us do good
G84 By cloudless starlight on he treads, and thinks no lamp so cheering as the light which Heaven sheds (Moore)
G85 The hours part us but they bring us together again
G86 Till memory fades and life departs; you will live forever in our hearts
G87 Your loving kindness and fortitude brightened our days
G88 Till we shall meet and never part (Henry King)
General – His/Her
G89 Beloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother and Great-Grandmother
G90 Our wonderful Father
G91 Loving Daughter
G92 A very special Lady
G93 A caring Sister, Aunt, and Friend
G94 A loving Father, tender and kind, what a beautiful memory you left behind
G95 His words were kindness, his deeds were love
G96 Her memory is a light to guide us
G97 He had a long and happy life
G98 She loved her God, her world, and her family
G99 She lived her years with grace, charm and courage
G100 He will be missed
G101 His joy was his family
G102 She gave so much and asked for so little
G103 He was life’s greatest
G104 He lived his life to the fullest
G105 He guided us with courage and love
G106 She loved life
G107 A beautiful memory he left in our hearts forever
G108 He cared for others
G109 After the night comes the morning, bidding all darkness cease…After life’s cares and sorrows, his comfort, sweetness and peace
G110 His courage, his smile, his grace, gladdened the hearts of those who have the privilege of loving him
G111 A woman of virtue, kindness and modesty
G112 Her memory is a light to guide us
G113 O, that he had one more song to sing
G114 Good-night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest
G115 This is the grave of__________, who died maintaining his right of way. His right was clear, his will was strong. But he’s just as dead as if he’d been wrong
G116 Who devoted his life to the pursuit of truth and the defense of freedom and who lies here in the country he loved and made his home
G117 His last words were unspoken, he never said “Good-bye,” he was gone before he know it and only God knows why
G118 The best Dad/Mom a daughter/son could ever have
G119 She gave her heart to her family
G120 Her friendship was an inspiration, her love a blessing, a friend to many
G121 Honest in his ways, trusted in word, beloved by friends
G122 He had a kindly word for each and dies beloved by all
G123 She touched everyone with special love and kindness
G124 When she passed, it seemed like the ceasing of exquisite music
G125 Our love for her is boundless
R400 There is no death. Those who have passed from sight are just asleep, to wake again, like the trees and the blossoms in God’s own springtime
R401 She loved the Lord with all her heart, with all her mind and with all her spirit
R402 And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever
R403 God called him home to eternal rest
R404 Thy God has claimed thee as his own
R405 He has kept the faith
R406 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith (2 Timothy)
R407 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills (Psalm 121:1)
R408 Of such is the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 19:14)
R409 Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world (Matt. 28:20)
R410 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. (Matt. 5:8)
R411 …Send us to Hell or Heaven or where you will, promise us only, you’ll be with us still: Heaven without you, would be dull to bear, and Hell will not be Hell if you are there
R412 At rest with Jesus; asleep with Mary
R413 For the Lord Jesus Christ’s sake, do all the good you can, to all the people you can, in all the ways you can, as long as ever you can
R414 The Lord hath need of him
R415 Her years on this earth were but few, but Jesus had taught her to pray, and Jesus her savior she knew, before she was summon’d away
R416 He died a good member of society; he filled up his days with usefulness and resigned himself to God’s will
R417 Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted (Matt. 5:4)
R418 Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee the crown of life (John 11:10)
R419 Behind the dim unknown, standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above his own
R420 Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal
R421 Father, not my will but thine be done (Luke 22:42)
R422 For to this end Christ died and rose again, that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living
R423 And what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love tenderly, and to walk humbly with thy God
R424 Be of courage and he shall strengthen thine heart
R425 Behold the Lamb of God…who takes away the sin of the world (John 5:29)
R426 The spirit shall return unto God who gave it (Ecc. 12:7)
R427 Come Lord from the skies and command us to rise to the mansions of glory above
R428 God gives us love, someone to love he lends us
R429 Greater love than this no one has, that one lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13)
R430 Have pity on me, at least, you, my friends…because the hand of the Lord hath touched me
R431 I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die
R432 I know that my redeemer lives, therefore I too shall live
R433 In thee, O Lord, have I put my trust
R434 It is I; be not afraid (Matt. 14:27)
R435 Let our Father’s will be done
R436 May he/she be remembered as he/she remembered others
R437 May his soul rest in peace
R438 Not lost to memory. Not lost to love. But gone to our Father’s house above
R439 Passive in his Holy will, trust I in my Master still
R440 Peace be with God
R441 Lord, thank you for a beautiful life
R442 May God be with you and comfort you
R443 God could not have made earthly ties so strong to break them in eternity
R444 He gave thee, he took thee, and he will restore thee
R445 She passed through Glory’s morning gate and walked in Paradise
R446 Too good for earth, God called him home
R447 His daily prayer, far better understood in acts than words, was simply doing good
R448 Tears are often a telescope by which men see far into Heaven
R449 When Christ ascended triumphantly, from star to star, he left the gates of Heaven ajar
R450 God created man to be immortal, and made him to be an image, of his own eternity
R451 Where he leads me I can safely go (Millay)
R452 then the just will shine forever… (Matt.13:43)
C800 A sunbeam from the world has vanished
C801 God took him home, it was his will, but in our hearts we love him still
C802 Now I lay be down to sleep
C803 Our precious baby girl/boy
C804 Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God (Matt. 5:8)
C805 Safe in the arms of Jesus
C806 And a little child shall lead them
C807 Awaiting the touch of a little hand, and the smile of a little face
C808 Budded on earth to bloom in Heaven
C809 But still I dream that somewhere there must be the spirit of a child that waits for me
C810 Children are the heritage of the Lord
C811 Children bring their own love with them when they come
C812 Father, Mother, weep not for me, for I am in Glory, waiting for thee
C813 God’s garden has need of little flowers
C814 He shall gather the lambs within his arms
C815 Called by one who loves him/her dearly
C816 Lord we give you our littlest angel
C817 No jewel is as perfect as the innocence of childhood
C818 Ours for a little while, with Jesus forever
C819 Sleep my little one, sleep
C820 So little, yet so loved
C821 So small, so sweet, so soon
C822 My child on earth, God’s angel in Heaven
C823 We will love you always
C824 What would the world be to us if the children were no more?
C825 An angel visited the green earth and took a flower away
L1200 The sweetest days I’ve found, I’ve found with you
L1201 A love such as ours occurs but once in a lifetime
L1202 Sing the lovers’ litany; love like ours can never die!
L1203 They were lovely and amiable in their life, and were not parted in death
L1204 We lived together in happiness, now we rest together in peace
L1205 Their love will last an eternity
L1206 Where our sorrows and our trials, like a dream, will pass away and our souls shall dwell forever in the realms of an endless day
L1207 We remain together forever; cherished by eternal memories
L1208 Even death shall not keep us apart
Last updated on May 19, 2020 by Support Pages