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Where you disappointed the last time you visited your loved ones memorial because their headstone was dirty?  Overtime your granite headstone or monument will be in need of a good cleaning.  Cemeteries watering systems often have hard water and this can lead to calcium deposits to build up on your tombstone.  Other factors, such as bird droppings, moss, lichens or sap from a tree can also cause your head stone to get dirty.

We would recommend Our Professional Cleaning Service to get the best results.  

If You want to do a touchup yourself you can follow these simple steps.  But be very Carefull what you do.

Here is a list of some things you will need to know.

Before you get started

Granite is a very durable stone; however the incorrect care can cause permanent damage to your memorial.  You should always check the condition of your marker before you get started.  Make sure that you inspect your stone for any damage, such as cracking.  If you attempt to clean a marker that is damaged you may cause further harm to your headstone.

You should also never clean a tombstone that does not belong to you.  If you are not the owner of the head stone, be sure to get permission from a family member or owner of the grave before you start any maintenance on it.

It is also best not to clean your monument on a very hot day.  Granite can become very hot and the water will evaporate very quickly making it difficult to do a proper cleaning.  This could also leave water streaks on your monument.

Items you will need to clean your Head Stone

  • Water/Bucket.  Be sure to bring plenty of water.  If you are close to a water source you could bring a hose.  If not, bring a bucket to hold the water.  You will need to fill the bucket frequently.  It is important you have clean water.  Tips: It is a good idea to let the water run for a minute before using it.  Some cemeteries have rust in their water, so letting the water run will help clear out the rust before you use it and help prevent putting the dirty water on your grave marker.
  • Soft Bristle Brush/Toothbrush.  You will want to get a natural bristle brush to use.  A soft toothbrush is also a good idea to clean between the lettering and design.  Tips:  It is best to not use a brush that has colored bristles.  The color from the bristles could bleed into the stone causing it to be stained.  You should also never use metal brushes or abrasive pads to clean your monument.  This will cause scratches and severely damage your granite stone. 
  • Natural Sponge.  Buy one of those large brown natural sponges.  You will use this to wipe down the marker.  Tips:  Just like the brushes, it is best not to use any colored sponges.  The color can bleed into your stone.
  • Non-ionic soap or detergent.  We would recommend using a non-ionic soap when cleaning your gravestone.  A non-ionic detergent has the proper pH balance needed to protect the stone from any damage.    Be sure to read the label to make sure it is safe to use on granite.  You should never use any household cleaners or cleansers.  These are harmful to your granite memorial and may damage your headstone.  Any form of polish like Furniture Polish or Floor Cleaners will stain the stone and cannot be removed.
  • Wooden or Plastic Scraper.  You will need this to help scrap off any stubborn material.  Tips:  Never use a metal scraper as this will scratch your monument.
  • Towels.  Have a few clean towels available.  You will need to use these to dry your memorial when it is clean.  Tips:  Use some old towels.  They will get very dirty and will probably stain from the dirt.  White towels are best.  Keep in mind; you don’t want any dyes to stain the granite.
  • Plastic Tarp.  Cleaning your tombstone takes a good old fashion scrubbing, so you will need to get on your hands and knees.  You can use the tarp to put under you.  Remember, the area is going to get very wet and muddy.  Tips:  Be sure to wear something that you can get dirty.

Cleaning your Granite Headstone or Monument

Now that you have all of the cleaning supplies you need, let’s get started.

  1. Start by filling your bucket of water or attaching your hose to the nearest water source.  Completely wet your granite memorial.
  2. Use your natural sponge to wipe off any dirt.  You will probably need to refill your bucket several times before all of the dirt is removed.
  3. You will need to scrub your stone with your natural bristled brush to remove any debris and hard water deposits.  Use your toothbrush to clean inside any lettering or design.
  4. Be sure to use your wooden/plastic scrapper to help dislodge some of the stubborn droppings.    

Most of the dirt and grime will be removed from just plain old water and scrubbing.  If you find that this is not enough then you should use your non-ionic soap.  Be sure to follow the instructions for mixing the non-ionic detergent.

Note:   Always test any cleaning solutions on a small area of your tombstone to ensure it is safe.

  1. Spray some of your non-ionic soap on the monument.  Let it sit for a minute so it starts to break up any calcium build up.  Make sure that your stone stays wet.  Use your brush to work on any hard to remove areas.
  2. It may take several attempts to clean your memorial.  Always rinse with clean water.  When your stone is cleaned, use your towels to dry your marker.  This will help prevent your stone from having any streaks.  You will also be able to see if you missed anything.  You can always spot clean any missed areas if needed.  Always remember to clean the top, sides and back of your upright monument.  Those areas could use a little TLC too.

If your grave stone still has some hard to clean areas you should consult with a monument company for a professional cleaning.

Last updated on May 19, 2020 by Support Pages